coding class

Top 5 benefits of online and interactive learning for kids!

4th October, 2023

There is no better time than now to reap the benefits of online learning!

In our ever-changing digital world, technology has increasingly become the go to solution for many individuals, organisations and businesses. In fact, there has been a 91% growth in remote work in the past 10 years, with employees learning new digital skills to keep up with the virtual work environment! 

As we all switch to virtual modes, educational institutions are changing their game to suit the needs of their students in light of the COVID-19 pandemic; to date, about 1.2 billion students in the world are attending online lessons.

With this in mind, Junior Engineers is excited to announce that our NEW online programs are out now! From Minecraft to Python, there is a virtual program to suit every skill level and interest. These personal and interactive programs encourage kids to form connections and interact with their classmates virtually. 

Australian based instructors will teach kids how to be fluent in computer skills, learn coding and work within virtual teams to set them up for future success. 

So what are the benefits for little Tommy or Lily to join the virtual learning sphere? Below are the top 5 benefits of online learning at Junior Engineers!

Convenient, flexible and so accessible

Students will be able to learn coding in the comfort of their own homes! With flexible class times ranging from 9 am-5 pm, there are many options to best suit you and your child’s busy schedules. Save travel time while keeping your child occupied and engaged through online learning – both beneficial for working-from-home parents!

Gain super important technical skills

As the demand for people with skills in tech increases, there are more opportunities than ever for students to become equipped with technical skills that will benefit them as the industry evolves. Junior Engineers’ online programs like Javascript Legends focuses on text-based coding, while Scratch Plus teaches students the basics of game development! 

Go paper and supplies FREE!

Online classes do not require any paper handouts, pens, stationery or any supplies a classroom physical demands, reducing the hassle to pack and saving the environment! 

Make awesome new connections and friendships

Yep, virtual networking is a powerful tool, crossing all geographical borders! Junior Engineers online classes hold a maximum of 7 students per session. By doing so, we provide more interactive and individualised support for each student. Our instructors actively encourage interactions between their classmates and provide interactive opportunities by posing questions. 

No limits on learning – wide selection of topics

Junior Engineers offers a wide range of online programs for you to choose from – EXCITING coding programs such as Scratch, Python and Minecraft. Students aged 7-12 years old can select their favourite program and learn coding at their comfort! School term & holidays online camps and activities are available for enrolment now – you can find more information here

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